The House Education Committee will have a hearing on SB 272, a bill establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education.

Here are the full instructions with the proper date included! Sorry for any confusion!

Here’s How you can Help:

1. Attend the Rally to Support Parental Rights in Education
When: Tuesday, April 18th at 9:00 AM
Where: In front of State House in Concord

2. Attend the hearing on SB 272
What: Public Hearing for Parental Bill of Rights (SB 272)
When: Tuesday, April 18th, 10:00 AM
Where: Representatives Hall, State House

3. Go online to register your support for SB 272 NOW!

When filling out the form be sure to complete all the steps to let the House Education Committee know that you SUPPORT SB 272.

Step 1: Fill in your Name, Town, and Contact Info
Step 2: Fill in the Date, 4/18/2023
Step 3: Select House Education Committee, Select SB 272, Select “I am a member of the public”, Indicate that you SUPPORT THIS BILL
Step 4: Upload or type any Testimony (optional)
Step 5: Review and Submit!

Can’t make the hearing in person? Use this form to make your voice heard during the House Education Hearing, and register your support for SB 272.